December 13, 2009
The Last Man Standing
They are still afraid of us. They have never forgotten the big power of a small nation. During the big war, the short period of unity between Circassian nations, had so much successful that it caused seven million Charis soldiers maybe more to be killed in the battlegrounds.
It was not difficult to conquer the divided nations lands. And they conquered most of the lands without much effort. But when they first met the Ubykhs, they probably never thought them as a big headache for them. The Ubykhs were brave, but wiser also to maintain a unity and brother-ship between tribes. They were probably the smallest one, but the power they got was one of the biggest Circassian lands ever had. Without the Ubykhs the big war probably would have been less bloody and shorter.
There was a strong relationship between Ottomans and European countries (especially with England) because of long period slavery, and being one of the oldest pirates of the Black Sea. They were such strong relationship between them that they even hoped some military aids till the end of war. I don't want to mention much about the reasons, but they didn't get. But, in the end they were in the lands of their brothers, in the Ottomans lands. Even in that country they made lots of partly successful attempts to get what they had once. But, unfortunately they couldn't.
Time has tried to make us forgotten those days. But, we have never forgotten. We will be in our lands with the flag of independent and united Circassians. We still have dreams at nights about victory. As far as we have these soul and dreams in our hearts and minds, they will always have FEAR in their hearts. Although we are approximately a few ten thousand on this earth, they are still carefully observe every studies on the Ubykhs, and trying to get information about us. They are afraid of us to make remember the others the source of power during the big war.
Because of which, they have some (so called) Circassians to write something ugly and not true (predecided and carefully studied so called) facts about us. They are trying to make us to be seen as selfish and coward people who betrayed his neighbors for Ottomans and Europeans. In regular periods they had such kind of things to be written or said. I just want to ask a small question. - “Yes, you may be right (of course every true Circassians (not only Ubykhs but all of the Circassian nations without any exception as a nation) says not), but what were Russian Empire's soldiers doing in the lands of Circassians?” Yes, we were the reason of honor, bravery, self-dedicated patriots, but not the reason of the dead bodies in the battle grounds killed mercilessly. Who killed thousands of children, women and olds in the villages of Circassian lands? Not the Ubykhs, but Russian Empire's soldiers.
The frequency of (predecided) written materials amount -by itself- proves how powerful we are getting. So I am more hopefull than before. Not, our children but we will get what once our grandfathers had. Till the last man standing and even he falls, our souls will be on the lands looking for the victory. We are coming and nobody can stop us. You can try to stop our bodies but you can not stop our souls!
Sincerely yours.
Kenugi J. UBYKH
October 11, 2009
A Paradise on the Earth
Circassia and being a Circassian must be recovered again one more time in our heart and mind. There are still Circassians on this world, one day (I don't know exactly when) mother and their lost orphan children will come together again. While waiting for the proper time to come back home, as the time is not definite, we must try to recover our Circassian culture in Diaspora. We must try to maintain permanent affairs with the people in homeland. We must hold international activities every year. Especially the young generation must be encouraged to join these activities. The regular short term trips to homeland has already been done successfully. The numbers of attendants and the frequency of these trips must be increased. But, on the other hand to recover the culture in Diaspora must be also another vital target which must be always considered. Local meetings among Circassian people to know each other well must be hold regularly. I mean we must come together even without needing any reason, just for drinking a cup of coffee, having a picnic, visiting each other... We must sing Circassian songs together in Diaspora. We must tell a joke in Circassian language. We must cook delicious Circassian meals. We must listen the stories of Circassian old stories told by the olds. Circassian language reading and writing courses must be hold. And we need professional (not volunteer) teachers to do them. Yes, they have been already done, but we need more. We must try to look and see the life with the view of Circassians. It is really strange that although we, Ubykh people, forgot our language and couldn't find a chance to live together in the same areas, we are more eager than other Circassian folks to do it. Maybe as we lost more than others, we needs more. In my opinion lots of our brothers and sisters think that when we come homeland, all kinds of problems of Circassians will be solved immediately. I am not agree with them. The problems must be solved here. Because, the problem is not related with Circassia but with the Circassians. The answer is in our history, language and traditions. In Diaspora countries different Circassian folks live together in peace. So, this is a good quality to be transfered to homeland.
To immigrate to homeland firstly in our minds is a necesssity and the first step. Circassia is just land not a holly area which makes you real Circassians by just entering. If it was, some of the Russians and Cossack people had lived there since our exile would be more Circassian than us. If we lost our culture, although we were in the homeland, there would be no difference between us and the other nations living there. So, we must begin to live as a Circassian here and go on our lives in the homeland. If the 4.000.000 Circassian people in Diaspora come back to homeland in their minds, nobody can dare to stop them to have whatever they once had.
And also we must really want it. We always have lots of problems to say on this subject. What is "to want" something? Look at these two statements and say please, which is ours?
A) We have just drunk three bottles of water. We are not thirsty. And someone asks us to drink more. We say OK to be polite. I want it. If it is not, what will happen? Probably nothing.B) And suppose that we are in a desert. It is too hot and we haven't drunk anything for 3 days. Some water is the only thing to continue our life in a short term. Someone comes and offers us to drink water by showing some water in a (dirty) glass. We say OK to live more. I WANT IT. If it is not, what will happen? Probably we do everything to get that water. We can even kill the owner. And probably we would ignore the dirtiness of the glass. So do we really want to do it? Or is it just saying OK to be polite. So there will be always excuses. We must get rid of these excuses in our minds.
To live in paradise, try to be a person who lives in paradise. Begin living in paradise in your minds. Have a paradise-like life style, recover your culture, come together, and really want it. Although you are not there physically, you are there. And don't be lazy, and don't commit a sin, there isn't anywhere in paradise for lazy and sinful ones. When did you last see your yourself on Circassian mountains on a horse in your dreams?
Kenugi J. UBYKH
October 4, 2009
A Not-Mentioned Cultural Genocide
Before and during the Great Circassian War, most of the Circassian people couldn't write or read. Circassian languages were spoken (not written) languages, because of which they were evaluated to speak, not to write. Stories and knowledge of people were transmitted to the youngs from the elders by the help of oral words. There weren't any real libraries. But, the elders (because of their age finding a natural chance of collecting more information) were thought as an individual library. This caused the elders constituted the strongest elders council in history. They were so powerful that nobody even the leaders always had to obey them. They could never be criticized because of their decisions. For a leader the main step to be passed was to persuade the elders. So, during the Great Circassian War not only people but also a non-written rich culture died. With every death a transmitted stories also ended. During that war, it was recorded that 2.000.000 people were died. It means that 2.000.000 or more stories died. They were the stories of not only Circassian people, but also they were stories of the whole world, because those stories went back to the creation of Earth, as Nart Sages. This was the sudden ending of a culture.
But also there is another important point which is not mentioned before; having a war time life style. As I have said before war times are not ideal times for a literature or culture to progress in a positive way. It is true that war poems, stories, ... expressing the anger to enemy, the sorrow of losing a friend, or praise the courage of a hero ... are often produced but they are all related or on war. As our ancestors were nearly always in war, they first taught their children how to protect themselves and destroy the enemy forces in a perfect way. Nearly all Circassian children had a perfect feeling of destroy, fight and had a war knowledge than any other non-Circassian adult soldier, because of which a Russian Czar said every Circassian soldier is equal to 7 Russian soldier. A Circassian people was born and died as a soldier. (Even today, martial arts and wrestling are favorite sports among Circassian youths.) Why? Because, this was the only way for Circassian people to survive and protect their lands. Nearly every culture has something about war in it. But, Circassian culture mainly based on War. Even today we can see the famous dagger dancings, and also stories and plays on War. Circassian culture can be thought as a culture of an army. But, this army is not a part of a nation but the only element of a nation. War times are described as crisis times and temporary, so Circassians had a 400 years crisis so we can not call it as temporary anymore.
Circassian people are excellent soldiers. They are brave but you can not explain their success only with to be brave, they are also very clever people. Literature and artistic materials creation can be only achieved by wiser minds. If war is not a life style for them. They could create wonderful masterpieces. Today in Diaspora we can see lots of famous outers, artists, ... etc just in a half and one century. They are excellent and very famous masters on their fields. Last month one of them exhibited a collection of his paintings. They were wondrous. And I thought on the things we could have created in 400 years. Every Circassian people I know write , read, paint, act or do something. They always want to be the first. During wars they want to be the first in the battle grounds, and in peace times they try to be first in what field they are in, which is the main quality of being a Circassian.
The ones, who exiled us from our homeland were guilty because of sorrows of us. But, they were also guilty of destroying a rich, world heritage culture. They are guilty of preventing Circassian people from contributing to World Culture. They were not only murderers of lives, but also they are murderers of stories, poems, literatures, paintings ...etc. Today every part of Circassia is not only a cemetery for 2.000.000 people but also a cemetery of at least 2.000.000 poems, stories, articles, books, paintings, sculptures, songs and dances. The murderers burned one of the richest and oldest library of the World with the librarians.
Sincerely yours
Kenugi J. UBYKH
September 26, 2009
Gift or Punishment
In holly books, the sudden endings of nations generally caused by disasters are described deeply. Most of them are represented as a punishment of the Creator. They did something wrong, and as a punishment the whole nation sentenced to death. So, our community members are oftenly (“oftenly” shows the urgency and importance of the matter) mentioning about the ending of Circassian nation. Then we must think and talk about what the possible reason of us to be punished by the Creator if this is a punishment!?
“Always tell the truth, never tell a lie”, “be helpful”, “be respectful to each other and yourself especially to the olds”, “save the environment”, “take care of your neighbours”, “be hospitable”, “don't gossip”, “save your country and fight for it if needed”, “be honorable”, “be clean”, .... these are the general qualities of an ordinary Circassian men or woman, and desired as quality of a perfect person mainly in all religions. In Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism without any exception they are all advised to maintain a perfect community. If you gossip, you commit a sin in these four main religions. If you don't tell the truth and tell a lie, you are a sinner. If you disobey the Circassian tradition rules oftenly, you are excluded by your family members and you are not protected anymore by your relatives which means you have no way except than leaving that place.
Our ancestors never told a lie (may be as a individual but never as a whole nation), they were always helpfull to their neighbours during the peace and war times, if needed they fought and died for their neighbours, they were respectful to each other and themselves and especially to the olds that is why they created probably the most important council consisted of the olds in the world, the olds were always the last speakers of our nation, who were listened carefully and never protested, they saved the environment, the traditional Circassian villages are famous for fruit trees and gardens, their best old friends were always trees which never betrayed them (not only the Circassian people in Circassia but also the trees are looking forward for their old friends), and also our ancestors never betrayed them and in the last war, in the last moment one of our famous 100 years old warrior was killed mercilessly while trying to defend an apple tree, they were always hospitable even when they saw the Russian soldiers on the cost of Black Sea, they said “Welcome!” at first to their visitors who later they learned they were just not visiting, they tried to save their country for thousands of years heroically, they had honorable lives, they never chose dishonorable ways to survive more, they lived, killed and died in an honorable way, some of the Circassian families were rich and some others were poor but their houses, gardens, clothes ... were always as clean as possible, you could see a Circassian man in old clothes but it was impossible to able to see any of them in dirty clothes, not only their ownings but also their thoughts were as clean as them.
So why did the creator punish us? Why were we exciled? Why did we have to go on our lives in different parts of the world? I will say you something different now. MAY BE it was a gift!
It was a gift for us. You can say what kind of a gift it was! May be the Creator didn't want this perfect community to be disappeared forever, so the Creator wanted us to live in a foreign country for a short time. This was the only choice of our ancestors to survive, and went on their struggle. Although they were defeated and exiled, in the countries where they went they welcomed as the heroes and heroines of the high mountains, especially by the Ottomans. They never thought to be as a minority but they were thought to be as an important part of their countries. This was a great honour (in my opinion although some thinks it as a way of assimilation).
It was a gift for Diaspora countries. May be the Creator wanted the other people to learn their struggle and their life styles. Nearly all the Diaspora countries indebted to Circassian people for their contributions. They did whatever they could do to make perfect the places wherever they went. Their perfect life styles were presented as a model for other nations. Our life styles were always a point of curiosity. Nearly all the places where the Circassian villages were settled are green. They changed the environment and the culture of Diaspora countries which have caused a total progress. Moreover, although they had the same origin, they always thought to be the guardian of the unity and indepence of Diaspora countries.
Nobody can know the Creator's real ideas, opinions, gifts, punishment ... etc. But, we can only try to understand or comment the Creator's sayings with the view of the religions we belong to. But, I don't think that our ancestors were punished (because I couldn't find any logical reason of their being punished), new generation can understand this well if we are able to come back homeland. Although we have been abroad for more than 150 years, we are still alive as a Circassian (of course we have some cultural losings, but not only us but also all cultures lost something in the last century) and still had the dreams of the coming back to homeland! And today new generation is more eager to learn this history and culture! At least they still have Circassian spirit! Now it must be time to be united and independent in our homeland to prove that it was a gift not a punishment!
May be it was a gift for us to understand the value of our culture and homeland.
The one who never meets the bad does not understand what is good.
(Circassian Proverb)
With best regards!
Kenugi J. UBYKH
September 19, 2009
In the Kingdom of BLINDS
As I have mentioned in former post, there are still some DELIBERATLY forgotten parts and people in this modern (!) and civilized(!) world. Fifty or more years before, it was really difficult to be awared of the developments and events in the other parts of the world. The only sources for news were some weekly (later daily) newspapers and governments' formal broadcasting equipments, radios (as huge as a fridge today) and black-white TVs. The radios and TVs were controlled by the governments of countries and aimed to publish the news of pre-decided, pre-commented and pre-censored by the serious looking sivil servants of the governments. So, people were forced to believe only these facts offered intentionally by others. Broadcasting was very expensive and only governments had this luxuary (but ofcourse by the help of citizens' taxes) for the future of their nations. But, newspapers and journalists' situation was entirely different from other rivals. It was not very expensive and journalists didn't use to care much about the money in those days. Most of them believed and lived themselves as volunteers to be a leader on the way to the freedom of informing others without the pressure of any power. In those days a good journalist had to be - first of all - a brave person who had to accept the risk of being killed, to be put into prison, or at least to be investigated by the sivil servants in black suits of governments. Most of their lives were poor, but people believed in and trusted them and their news. Their opportunities were very limited and sometimes you got the news after four or five days, but nearly all the things they pressed were true. The most terrible penalty for a good journalist was not to be able to sell enough his/her papers. And the thrustworthy and brave news were the only reason of the increasing of their selling ratio. The rich journalists were ignored by every reader and if a journalist had been a bit richer than avarage life standarts, he should have concealed it.
With the developments in technology, and decreased broadcasting costs, and TVs not being thought a luxuary anymore, the colured broadcasting equipments had a victory against radios and newspapers. The power of TVs ended with the magic of the modern world, the Internet. Most of the people prefer and say the Internet as the initial source of news. The decreasing ratings and the incomes of advertisements of TVs prove the reality of this theory. This was a big headache for the governments. It was a real challenge against the authority of governments. The Internet has no limits and borders except the limits and border of the user. Millions of computers (users' brains and thoughts) are connected to each other to learn more. It was the irresistible declaration of a new global kingdom. This kingdom is established voluntarily and governed by millioms of kings and queens. In this kingdom so much oppurtunities are offered that I am sure governments will have to create a ministry for Internet affairs of their people and country.
Today governments are jealous of this power and try to demolish this global kingdom. Some countries have already banned their citizens to connect the foreign web service hosts. They try to give an impression of “our eyes are on you”. So, the internet and users are not very brave as they were at first. The big server hosts have begun to declare their own kingdom's law and banned some of their users with the accusation of provocative or illegal affairs, sharings, .. etc. under the pressure of the risk of being banned by governments which means losing a lot of money and efforts. A non-written but known global internet laws are being constituted under these old-fashioned pressures. Considering the history of news publishment, we need brave journalist (or web admins) to provide us the real truths once more time. We, the global citiziens of this kingdom, deserves the news not being censored or pre-commented before. We deserve the bare and simple FACTS without the view of any political or governmental effects. I hope later they don't sell computers to the users with a licence and with the list which shows you the connectable web servers. Or they may even employ the internet user policemen whose main job is to be near you (physically) while on the Internet surfing.
Some important news on Circassia and Circassians unfortunately can't take place not only on TVs but also on the websites. I don't mention much about the newspapers, because lots of people already have ignored them. There are only a few Circassian websites who are trying to publish news. Even they are afraid of something to say the forbidden words (freedom, genocide, unity, independence). Not others but the (so-called) Circassian web admins ban their users to say, talk about or imply those forbidden words. They declare themselves as the voice of Circassians and they are. They are as silent as our ancestors bodies under the ground, with only a small differance of being alive. Our ancestors were really brave during, before and after the Great War on the battlegrounds. They were so brave that they were killed till only the children, women, and olds who could not defend themselves were alive. They did the best of whatever they could do. And if we are proud and famous and thought to be brave, this is not because of us but because of being their grandsons and daughters. We are called as the grandsons of Shamil. So, we are just enjoying the fame of our elders, not ours. Today the battleground is the Internet. Today the bullets are words. Today the war horses are mouses and keyboards. Today the leaders are web admins. We are fighting for not being disappeared forever. And in this fight the most important leaders we need are the brave news workers. They must always think of the importance of their duties which they have accepted willingly. It is clear that they will have lots of problems like the journalists mentioned above. They won't be rich and always have some economical problems. They will be ignored by the fortune owners. They will be questioned harmly by the Circassian dance and music fans. They will be accused of spoiling of the comfortable of Circassians life styles...
These are the normal and possible outcomes of demanding recovering a culture, a nation and raise to the level of their forgotten grandparents and their life philosophies, which must be accepted happly and without complaining as our elders didn't complain in the battlegrounds in more difficult situations. We are not ecpecting you to be as brave as Shamil, but at least try to be as brave as his enemies. We are not ecpecting you to be real grandsons of elders but at least pretend to be. If you are not brave enough to take the responsibility of being a leader, forget and leave it not to decrease the fame of our elders.
Unfortunately our communities have began to turn into a BLINDS' KINGDOM. We are not able to find leaders with two eyes, but this famous people deserves at least a leader with one eye to be a king who will tell and show us what is really happening.
In the Kingdom of the Blind, the Man with One Eye Is King (Greek Proverb)
kenugi J. UBYKH
September 17, 2009
Not only Diaspora but also The Whole World needs a BIG CHANGE
The black people of the black land, Africa is suffering from the starvation. They are so poor that they can't feed their own people. They spend all of their insufficient money on armament to kill each other that there is no more money for their children. Their land is not poor, but they are poor because of some known reasons. Small children, nearly 13 or 14 (sometimes even 10) years old are forced to play the war game with their blood. They are forced to choose guns to kill their friends instead of pencil to write. AND THOSE PEOPLE LIVE IN A (DELIBARETLY) FORGOTTEN PART OF THE WORLD.
Native Americans, Indians, were the real owner of the America Land till the white men brought them freedom and civilization. Thanks to the whiteman, They are really so free that their spirit can travel anywhere and anytime without fear although thousands of their bodies lay under the ground with bullets in their bodies and skull. The white man killed them, occupied their lands, and moreover made films to show how they are barbarian and wild creatures who lots of times deserves to be killed mercilessly. There are still (I don't know how but still) 20.000 Native Americans live in special area. Sometimes we say and hear the meaningful proverbs of these barbarians and we try to find out how a barbarian people can produce such peacefull, thoughfull and civilized proverbs. AND THOSE PEOPLE LIVE IN A (DELIBARETLY) FORGOTTEN PART OF THE WORLD.
Big countries, like England, U.S.A., Russia ... have begun a new (secret (!)) struggle in the emptinies of the North Pole. There is nothing there, only millions of tones of frozen water, penguens, white bears, and some other animals. But, later it is said that the main reason of this race to occupite that part of the world is just the rich reserve of oil. They call this place empty, because the animals called there, are not important things to be taken into account in the modern civilized world. Sometimes the Greenpeace organization makes some activities to save this part of the world. They show us the baby animals with the slogans, “Don't kill me!”. But, nobody (even the Greenpeace) didn't mention much about the people who lived there once said their numbers by thousands. They were called “Eskimos”. They were once living there by their own and harmlessly to the modern world till the Denmark government asked them to live that area in an ungentle way. They were so ungentle that lots of them died while moving from their land to another place. They still live in their new home(!) by telling the stories of their ancestors to their new generation. AND THOSE PEOPLE LIVE IN A (DELIBARETLY) FORGOTTEN PART OF THE WORLD.
Although Australia is a country where is always sunny and dry and because of which generally consists of large deserts, the people live in there are as white as a moonlight. They are generally blonde with coloured eyes and white skins. I have never seen a black skinned people from Australia. It is really very astonishing. That's why the others living in hot areas like Africa, Middle East ..etc generally have black or nearly black coloured skins. But, Australians are not. Sorry, I made a big mistake. They have also black coloured skins. They are called as Aborigènes. They are as black as a piece of coal. They live in the deserts by themselves and in peace in natura. The white ones mentioned above are the European people moved there a century ago and stayed (by ofcourse asking the Aborigènes gently to live their homes immediately). There are still some Aborigènes living there. AND THOSE PEOPLE LIVE IN A (DELIBARETLY) FORGOTTEN PART OF THE WORLD.
And also there are some people living in different parts of the world in small areas. They are called as “refugees”. But what does this word mean? I haven't heart anything about them like the rest of the world. Are they a nation? Or a tribe? Who are they? So, I tried to learn something about this mysterious people and their life style. And I found out that “Refugee” means “someone who has been forced to leave their country, especially during a war, or for political or religious reasons”. They live in refugee camps. They are also fighting with starvation (amazing creatures, even the baby ones, who can live without eating anything for days) but not necessarily live in Africa. Most of their people killed, but they are not Native Americans or Eskimoos. Most of their skin is white but the colour of their destiny is as black as Aborigènes. They are a kind of humanbeing who have absolutely a terrible past and suspicous future. They know very well where they came from but not know anything about where they should go. AND THOSE PEOPLE LIVE IN SMALL (DELIBARETLY) FORGOTTEN PARTS OF THE WORLD.
As a summary, lots of illegal and barbarious things happened on the earth by some people to others. We know very well some of them like Hitler ... etc, But, the modern and civilized world needs someone brave enough to say the names of the other Hitlers. It is too late to do something unfortunately for Native Americans, Eskimos and Aborigènes. But, you know very well that there are lots of refugees in every country of the world and it is not too late to do something fortunately. Yes, it is true that Circassian people, living in different countries, the so-called brothers of these people have forgotten them, but the humanbeings of this beautiful planet must do something for them immediately before it is too late. I don't know if the history forgive us for the things which we must do but not, but these people will never forgive us. And pray to Allah for days and nights to be lukcy not to run into any of them on the Day of Judgment.
Kenugi J. UBYKH
September 12, 2009
OUR COMING is as difficult as OUR GOING
When we left our homeland, we also left some of our friends, our cemeteries, our lands, our houses, our fruit gardens, our forests ... etc. We were able to bring only our stories, and our Circassian soul. Now as people living in Diaspora, when we leave here and COME BACK (“go” is not a good word when you refer to something about homeland), we will also leave some of our friends, our cemeteries, our lands, our houses, our fruit gardens, our forests ... etc. We will be able to only bring our stories and our Circassian soul. Our coming will be as difficult as going. Our going was in sadness but our coming will be in happiness.
Our ancestors didn't leave their countries with the intention of living in another country till the end. We fought (and are fighting) to defend our country and our people. During the bloody and brave war, nearly most of the male people were killed, Even some very old people (100 years old) were the last ones killed while trying to defend a fruit tree in the last one. The male population were nearly destroyed in a few years. The rest were too olds, females and small children who wouldn't have been able to defend themselves. When they left the homeland with the force of Russians, the main idea was not to give up the idea of living in homeland forever or to live in Diaspora countries forever. They went not to be destroyed completely and gain power and come back stronger. Their plan was the only thing which could be done in those days.
And they left their homeland but never left the idea of coming back. Even during the Ottoman Empires, they tried to take back for a few times. Even once they achieved it and they established the the Independent and United North Circassia. Our grandfathers always wished and had hope of coming back. They lived in Diaspora countries but their mind were always in Circassia.
The first step of their plan was undoubtedly a great success. We are more stronger in Diaspora countries today, our population has increased rapidly. Most of us had a wealthy life. I mean we live better than here than Circassia considering the economic powers.
When we first came back to Diaspora, life was really hard for Circassian people who were used to living highlands (because of which Russians called them “Highlanders”) to live in lowlands. So they also died because of some infectious diseases which they were not much familiar with in highlands of Circassia. Most of them immigrated again to highlands. They had problems lots of times with the native people. They were the last ones and the former ones were not very willing to accept the newcomers whose clothes, languages, traditions were entirely different. Our going into exile was not an easy one, but also our first years in Diaspora wasn't the easy one. But they never complained anything in Diaspora, because they knew very well that there was not their homeland, they were just visiting their neighbours and one day they would come back.
Today some of our friends have begun to put into words some of their complaints to local governments which is not normal considering our grandparents. The problem is causing by the changing the idea of being “visitor” and “host”. We were visitors and to show protest activities to our hosts was not proper considering the Circassian traditions. Today we think ourselves as host of these lands, so we want some rights as host. This changing idea – in my opinion – helps us to understand how much we have forgotten our ancestors great plan.
The forgetful operators of the second step, I want to make you an announcement. Our war began centuries ago to save our country was (is) not over, we withdrawed and gained power and now it is your time. Your time to come back stronger and help your people living in Circassia to live freely, and it is time for you to help yourself to live as a Circassian in your homeland as hosts. It is your time to finish the long-term war which is a heritage of our ancestors who not only left us dances, joy .. etc as an inheritance but also this war. Our ancestors got round trip tickets. And they gave all of us one of them. And it is time for all of us to use this return tickets not one day but today before the vehicles leave the station. And don't forget you are a visitor, so don't try to get your hosts rights which are not belong to you in these foreign lands.
September 7, 2009
How many CIRCASSIAS are there?
But although they resembled to each other like “twins”, they were different because of belonging to different tribes in the Circassia in the past. But today again they are mostly different from each other not because of tribal reasons but because of their life philosophies (political and religious views). They are so deep in their life philosophies that sometimes they even forget their national problems and views of thinking. Some of them define themselves as social Circassian, some others as Muslim Circassian, some others as democratic Circassian, some others as modern Circassian, some others as traditonal Circassians and some others as modern Circassian ... etc. And don't forget that also there are of course not as more as Muslims but there are Christian and even some minor Jewish Circassians. The list is long so I couldn't write all of them. These are not personal chooses but the identity descriptions of groups or communities or organizations they belong to. Because of that there a lot of small organizations whose members are not generally more than 2 or 3 thousand. These are the lucky and hardworking ones, because there are a lot of more who can't reach these numbers.
Circassian people with different life philosophies gather and constitute groups and later turned into organizations. While gathering and getting larger, they also construct a Circassia and a Circassian Life Style in their minds. They write their own books, they choose some customs which is proper to their own life philosophy, they wear in certain clothes, they spoke in certain self created languages with certain words. Some of them banned “İslam”, some others “Socializm”, some others “Nationalizm”... And they need also get some truthness about their opinion from the past, so they did and taught and support their own historians who write and read the Circassian history with the view of their community philosophies. So they don't like each other much and they claim themselves as real Circassians. They comments the past and present events and opinions so differently that sometimes you can not aware that they belong to the same history and race.
These Circassian groups and their supporters have created virtual Circassias and Circassian people descriptions in their community philosopies. And what is funny, our brothers live in the homeland are not even aware of these virtual Circassias. I am not sure about what will their reactions be about them!
Some young generation supports these different communities, but some others completely ignore these differences and they also create another community, sometimes by disobeying the olds which is not normal considering our strong and solid customs. They also express themselves as rebirth of Circassian community. They try to learn their language, customs and they are very active in social activities. You could only see the Circassian dances only in weddings before but these young groups can dance anywhere, even in the middle of a street by ignoring the others' surprised glances. They say only in this way they can introduce and popularize Circassian people and culture to others. Some olds clapp them with tears in their eyes, but some others express their anger on every platform.
All of the groups mentioned above try to their best. They work hard but they their suceess is generally small and ignored by other communities. Why? They have to work much as their participants' number is not enough, their success is not big, because the numbers of the participants' number is not big.
Also there is another group, who completely takes themselves back to fed up with this mess.
So I hope you understand the main point. There is only one real Circassia and I hope one day we will live there. But how it can be possible to go and live there in peace with lots of Circassians in our minds. We can not go there TOGETHER with these different and opposite Circassias in our minds, even if we managed this, we could not live in peace TOGETHER. As a last sentence for all the Circassians from a famous (for me but I don't know if he is famous enough for the others) intellectual, K. JABAĞ by looking at us from the past: “Don't discuss the opinions, ideas, problems ... which are related to whole sociality by taking yourself back and secretly.”
Kenugi J. UBYKH
September 3, 2009
We are so few that WE can not be an ENEMY to each other
So what about Circassian virtual popularity? What are they doing in this battleground?
Firstly it must be implied that nothing has been more benefical than internet during our long history. It gives us a great chance to communicate with each other in different countries in Diaspora countries and homeland, dear Circassia. With the help of this magic wire we are able to pass the country borders without any question or passport. Lots of people find their relatives in the homeland and they chat with them although they are thousands of kilometres away with each other. We can reach Circassia whenever we want, with little effort, and free. The terrible waves of Blacksea and the high mountains of Circassia is not very disappointing anymore. Or we can visit (of course “virtually”) our cousins in other Diaspora countries. We are able to tell our grandfathers and our stories to each other. We are able to make virtual campains on the way of returning the home. We don't have to go kilometres to read a book, just click on a Circassian Website and read and learn whatever you want. CIRSSASIA IS NEARER VIRTUALLY THAN PHYSICALLY.
There is also some similarities between the virtual and physical world. In both of them the numbers are very important. The more people say something as “true”, the more people accept it as “true”. So the truth depends on the numbers of the mouths it uttered. And please be carefull these virtual truths turns to phycial truths in the real world. And the virtual groups are turning to physical groups these days.
As always happened in our history again the green valleys and mountains of Circassia are changing their colour to red. And the virtual worlds members and leaders are all -without any exception- impliying the importance of U-N-I-T-Y (the blanks between the letters are the blanks we couldn't destroy yet). The Circassian News Websites are informing us daily how many people (mainly Circassian) died yesterday. Everyday average 4 or 5 death. Chechen people died and dying, S.Osetians and Abkhazians are waiting for the next violence of Georgia by not forgetting the last year and before. Also the foreign journalists and politicians are declaring their ideas. Some people say that the Chechen mücahidans are right and that is the spirit of Circassia. Some others say that Abkhazians and S. Osetians can only be free with the help of Russian Government. Some Circassians still see Russia as a big enemy, some others see them only and a new friend. We are angry with the Russian army when bombs the Chechen people but we also thank them when they protect the innocent people of Abkhazia and S. Osetia from the violence of Georgia. But from the otherside some Georgian people say that they are fighting against Russian army like Chechens and they support the Chechens' war against the Russia. And also some of the Diaspora people sometimes support Chechen and sometimes Abkhazians and S. Osetians. And sometimes very serious sentences are said against each other in very rude manners. What a puzzle! What a difficult choosing for all of us! Who is right? Which side has Circassian soul and needs to be supported?
I haven't got enough courage to answer these questions. And I don't want to answer. I can only say that this situation is the most critical situation we had after the exile. If we really want to be UNITED, at first (basically) our friends and enemies must be same. I mean we must discuss on the real enemies and friends of Circassian people in more calm environments and in a more calmly manners. Our duty mustn't be to be a supporter of any side. OUR DUTY MUST BE TO TRY TO MAINTAIN PEACE BETWEEN SIDES. BECAUSE, REMEMBER, ALL THE SIDES ARE CIRCASSIANS AND LOSING OF ANY SIDE IS LOSING OF PART OF CIRCASSIA. Not only the groups leaders' but also every members of this virtual world have the responsibility of maintaining the peace among all Circassians. I DON'T WANT TO BE AN ENEMY OF/TO ANY CIRCASSIAN PEOPLE I JUST WANT TO BE A FRIEND OF/TO EVERY PEOPLE OF MY DEAR CIRCASSIA. And we are so few that we can not be an enemy to each other in a virtual and physical world.
Kenugi J. UBYKH
August 25, 2009
Is it really difficult to learn Ubykh language?
This language is said to be one of the most difficult languages to learn. Especially its phonetic is known to be one of the most difficult one. Because, it has lots of consonants some of which are said to be not exist in any other known languages. But is it really so? I mean is it really nearly impossible to utter these sounds? I don't think so.
The researches on Ubykh vocabulary and grammar structure has been nearly completed. Thanks to the great workers of the World Culture. I don't want to mention about how this language is recorded or its long history. There are lots of documents and materials on this subject. For example you can see these links; For seven recorded stories;, For transcriptions and English translations of the four stories;, For grammar structure and the history of the language;, For Proposed Latin alphabet for Ubykh and for A Practical Orthography for Ubykh by Rohan Fenwick; For Ubykh Phonology:
Nearly all researches done was concentrated on recording and understanding the language. These were really great works. But, an important thing has been ignored up to now. What is that? TO LEARN THE LANGUAGE, I mean TO SPEAK IT. So, although they are really valuable, after a new point of view the importance of these researches will increase. And in my opinion to speak this language is easier than to find out the grammar structures and new vocabularic items. But how? It is very simple. But, be patient please.
First of all, I am not a linguist. I don't know anything about the linguistic terminology. And I don't have any information about the other Circassian languages. I am not a prefessional Ubykh language learner, I mean this is not a part of my job. It can be only described as a hobby. Three weeks ago, I read carefully the links above and more. And I decided to built a computer vocalic dictionary. I began to cut the stories of Tevfik Esenç recorded by Dumezil into sentences and then to words. But, while I was doing these, I realized that this language is not very difficult, at least easier than it was said. I am able to utter the sounds very easily like Tevfik Esenç after four or five times hearing. And it is not difficult, the only thing can be said is very enjoyable. But, how can it be possible? It is very simple. But, be patient please.
All the people dealing with the subject deeply were non-Circassians, except Tevfik Esenç and other Ubykh native speakers. Some of the linguists were France, the other ones are German, Australian, Chinese, and hollander .. etc. Maybe there can be some small grammatical similarities between their native language and Ubykh language, there are certainly very big differences between the sounds of the language they have been trying to recover. They are really great linguists. Although they are an expert on Languages, not "they" but "I" can utter these sounds without nearly any difficulty. Because, I am an Ubykh people. My father, my grandfather and my grand grand fathers were Ubykh. My father and my uncle were speaking Ubykh language when they were young. Later, they forgot it because of some reasons. I can utter these sounds correctly because I am an Ubykh people and my throat is an Ubykh throat. These language was spoken probably thousands of years by my ancestors and the Ubykh throat evaluated for thousands of years to utter these sounds correctly and today I have the advantage of this evoluated throat which the non-native linguists not. This can be the only explanation to this magic.
I am not a good language learner. I still have some problems with my English which is not my native language. Also there are some sounds in Turkish (my native language) which I can't utter properly. But, in Ubykh language I have never had any difficulty dealing with Ubykh sounds and words. So the only explanatiın can be my evaluated throat structure. And there are lots of Ubykh people in Turkey and in other diaspora who have the same Ubykh throat. And one day I am sure with the valuable linguists rearches and our Ubykh throat will combine and then this language will be spoken again. And this will be also the combination of Ubykh linguists and Ubykh people's dream.
With my best wishes.
Kenugi J. Ubykh
August 16, 2009
WE ARE READING LESS, so we don't know our history in detail. If you ask a Circassian about his/her history, he/she will tell you a few ordinary sentences which is not known very well by him/her. In Circassian Diaspora we are tought the history of the country where we live for more than fifteen or sometimes more years. Although we have tought for years, we don't know very well that history. But, after reading (only a few of does, most of them even don't do this) a few articles and only once, we claim that we know everything on Circassian history. Everybody says these are known facts but in real nobody know them which are said to be known oftenly. The main sentences we know; The Circassian War and Genocide (fortunately we learned this fact in the last fifteen or twenty years, most of us says “Circassian Immigration” before!), and our tribes names which our family belong to, nothing more. These are also known by nearly every Non-Circassian man or woman living in the same place with the Circassians. So we don't know more about our history than a Non-Circassian one. Before the internet, it was really difficult to reach the Circassian related documents which were really rare, so we had some excuses then. But today, there are lots of websites on Circassia and we can learn more easily and with less effort. So, the excuses we have are less than before.
WE ARE READING LESS, because we are so busy! We are so busy with chatting girls or boys, we are so busy with surfing the internet, we are so busy with listening music and learning the stories of (Non-Circassian) music group stories (Michael Jackson's death is more important for us than the death of our brothers), we are so busy with dealing with Politics (which always makes us weak), and we are so busy with dancing. These are important facts of our life. But, it doesn't matter if he/she is a Circassian or not, a modern people's life should not be always like this. These can be tought a hobby done only in free times, but our whole day mustn't be free. At least try to spend one hour for reading something on Circassia.
WE ARE READING LESS, because we haven't got big ideals. Reading causes having big ideals. And having big ideals causes the need of more imformation to materialize them and books are generally the best information storage. For example, if you live in your house and just watch TV, you don't need and axe, a rope, a map, and a guide. But, if you decided to see the top of the Mountain Elbruz one day, they would be a need for you. So you must find all of them otherwise you can't reach there. But, probably a good guide (who did this lots of times) is the most important one for you. A good guide can show you the easiest and safest ways and prevent you from dangerous slopes. Reading (history) is a good guide for us which always show the best ways, at least although it doesn't always give us the perfect one, it shows us the wrong ones which others have tried and failed before.
WE ARE READING LESS, because we are afraid to learn who we are and what we must do. Reading brings some responsibilities. Knowledge is really heavy and only the stronger ones can carry it. Changing your life style to a Circassian one is really difficult, especially if you are a bit old. Because, it means beginning a new life, and forgetting and losing most of the things we have now. Most people doesn't like the idea of beginning a new life at the age of 30, 40 or 50. Beginning a new life is declaring the confession of the wrongness of a former life. And nobody wants to say that he/she did the same mistakes thousands of times during 30, 40, 50 years. From the other side, Circassia is where we belong to, not here, which we really afraid to hear. A polar bear can not live in Africa, a whale can not live in a desert, a zoo can not be a home for a wolf, you can not have an eagle in your car. A polar bear belong to cold, freezy norths, a whale is the animal of the oceans, a wolf can only be a real wolf only in the wild environment of a forest, an Eagle always needs mountains to live and fly freely. Have you ever seen a wolf in a cage in a zoo? He never looks like a wolf any more. It is not the legendary animal told in the stories. It is weak and afraid. Look at the pictures of our ancestors! Can't you see the differences between them and us? Diaspora is not our home and we belong to the Mountains of Circassia. WE CAN LIVE IN DIASPORA BUT WE CAN NEVER BE A REAL CIRCASSIAN IF WE DON'T GO HOME!
WE ARE READING LESS, so our philosophers are less famous than our warriors. We know the names of lots of warriors, heros, how many of us know the name of a philosopher in Circassian history and today? Is there any empty place on your wall for even a single philosopher where is completely full of the pictures of warriors? The Circassian writers whose works are the memories and voices of a nation has never attracted any interest up to now. Our philosophers who attends the wars with their pens and who have been really always rare during our history are as important as our warriors. Because, they are always the sparks of freedom wars sand the engineers of the ruined countries after the destructive big wars during the world history. We always say something about the Victory but what will happen after it? Will we fight with guns against poverty, economy, laws, foreign affairs ... etc? Everybody knows Şeyh Şamil as one of the biggest commander of all times, but only some know that even during the wars he never give up reading and he carries lots of books -which can be said as a mobile library- wherever he goes. So we always say him as a great commander but we never say how a great philosopher he is. Why?
As I have said before, our ancestors didn't die to be forgotten. Reading is to remember them. Reading is a challenge to be ready to change the life style which needs sometimes more courage than fighting in a war.
Kenugi J. UBYKH
August 15, 2009
Cahar DUDAYEV, the OTHERS and US
Hollywood is certainly the heart of the movie industry. You can easily understand if a movie is produced by Hollywood by just looking it for a few minutes. They know how to produce and sell a story it in a perfect way. Even a small story or a not-well known hero in the hands of Hollywood turns to be a perfect movie. But I like also the French ones. They are a bit different or I thought them a bit different because of having a Hollywood movie culture. The French movies are -in my opinion- less exaggerated and generally concentrate on feelings. So in a French movie the heros rarely fly like “Superman”, or kills lots of people in a few minutes like “Rambo”, or based on political views as in Western films, where the Native Americans, Indians are always wild and attacks the Whites and the Whites just kill them to protect themselves (What a great humour!)! I also like the other movies from different countries, which all have something about their own values. But, I like mostly two of them. But, this article is not written to mention about movie industry and my personal opinions on it. So what is that? That is about the movie industry which hasn't been able to produce and about the world people, including the Circassians especially the ones in Diaspora who hasn't got produced a movie in the names of all Chechen people, the dead ones and the living ones. These country, these people, these heroes, our brothers (if they give us this great honour) deserves more fame than the dirty, ignorant and barbarous herdsmen of America, the cowboys.
Cahar DUDAYEV and the OTHERS (I say the others, because there are a lot of known (also not-known) heros were and are in the both of the Chechen Wars and now that it is unfortunately impossibble to write all of their names) must be the main actors of the last fifteen years' all hit movies, but not. One of my friends sent a message yesterday about “He has no HOPE”. And I say now, if you were a leader of Chechen Republic whose population approximately one million and if your old enemy whose population is aproximately one-hundred-seventy million was waiting for war impatiently, would you have any hope? So Cahar DUDAYEV and the OTHERS proved us that “CIRCASSIANS DON'T NEED HOPE!”. Even in hopeless situations they did what must be done and which made and makes them great and that's why all people (must) calls them HERO. How can the scientists or anybody explain their big war against the second big army in the world? If it can be explained by anyway, how can we understand them? I think we can not understand them only we can try to understand them, which will make us higher (of course not as high as them but) than the simple, ordinary people.
I like watching movies and that is my main hobby. But, up to now I have been able to watch only two films about Şeyh Şamil (the great commander and leader). One of them was a Turkish one which has nothing in it about Circassians except their clothes, and the other one is a Russian one which I couldn't understand as its language was Russian. But about the Second World War probably there are more than thousands of movie produced by different countries. Of course it is important as a lot of countries were in this big war (that's why it is called “World War”). But what about the Chechen' (and also the Circassians') war which lasts more than four hundred years!
When I was a little kid (also during ten or more years), I used to say that one day I will be a great cowboy and kill all the Indians. This was the common feelings of all children in those days. We knew nothing about Şeyh ŞAMİL and the OTHERS, so to be like them was not our dream. How can you dream something without having any knowledge about it?
When I was a young boy, I used to say that “I will be a great soldier like Rambo and I will kill all the Vietnams. Because, it was so popular in those days that even in childish games nobody wanted to be a coward and stupid Vietnams. Rambo was our great hero which always had a great respect by us. We knew nothing about Şeyh ŞAMİL and the OTHERS, so to be like them was not our dream. How can you dream something without having any knowledge about it?
Thousands of Jewish people were being burnt in large ovens. Families were doing everything to be not recognized by a German soldier to save their lives. The tragic events took place in concentration camps where the only wish was to not to be able to the next one and to be able to see the next sunrise. These were and are popular sceneries of an ordinary movie on Jewish Genocide. There were so popular in those days that lots of people had nightmares like a Jewish people. Nearly all the audiences shared their painful memories. We knew nothing about the CIRCASSIAN GENOCIDE and the YEAR OF 1864 and the OTHERS, so we hadn't nightmares about them. How can you have a nightmare about something without having any knowledge about it?
And so one day I saw a man on TV news, nearly in all News, a man, an angry man in a uniform was saying something loudly to a large group of people in a square who had guns and rifles in their hands. I couldn't understand what he was saying and I was able to only read his name “ Cahar DUDAYEV” and that group was “THE OTHERS”. It was like a Rambo movie but it was real, it was like a Western movie but this time Indians were my heros because later I learned very well that Indians were just trying to save their own country bravely, it was like a World War movie but in this war the enemy was incredibly powerful, also it was like a Jewish genocide film but in this one not only olds and women but also children, kids, babies were being killed mercilessly. The world hadn't produced any film on Circassians and Circassia, so Cahar DUDAYEV and the OTHERS did their live-own-made movie for the names of their great ancestors. So then we knew something about Cahar DUDAYEV and the OTHERS, so to be like them was (is) our dream. How can't you dream of being like them after seeing even a short video about them and their war?
That war was not only a beginning for a Chechen Republic but also it was a beginning for all Circassians to learn, respect, and remember their memories. We didn't know enough the meaning of brotherhood and we couldn't (didn't) help them enough. The members of a family is called a family if they help each other in bad times. The Chechens were ready for the war completely but Diaspora wasn't unfortunately.
The Headline was “Cahar DUDAYEV, the OTHERS and US”. I try to say something about Cahar DUDAYEV, the OTHERS and I just try to thank and remember them. I haven't said anything about “US” because we haven't done anything to be called “US” up to know. And yesterday I saw again a video about Cahar DUDAYEV and the OTHERS. He was again saying something loudly and in an angry way. And I can understand his language now. He is just saying “WHERE ARE YOU BROTHERS? WHY DON'T YOU HELP US?”. And the only answer can be for me for all diaspora; “WE WERE SLEEPING. WE WERE SLEEPING SO DEEPLY THAT WE COULDN'T HEAR YOU. BUT, WE ARE ABOUT TO WAKE UP, AND SOME OF US HAD ALREADY WAKEN UP AND AWAKINING “US”. We couldn't be brothers to Cahar DUDAYEV and the OTHERS but I hope we will be brothers to their new generation.
Kenugi J. Ubykh
August 12, 2009
WRITING is an EVIDENCE and HERITAGE of Feelings and Thought
We are thinking on Circassia, sociality, future, memories, families, victories, ... etc, and speaking about them. Today nearly every Circassian Diaspora and (probably in Circassia) the main talking point is something about Circassia and Circassians. Probably my grandparents who could only speak in their mother language, and who were in the real traditional Circassian sociality (I mean their language was -not sometimes but always- Circassian tribal language, they were wearing traditional Circassian clothes, their neighbours were Circassian families.. etc) had lots of memories, stories, ideas, advises ... etc. But I don't know well about them. Why? The answer is quite simple “THEY WERE NOT WRITTEN”.
All kind of materials, especially the written ones, are really very important for us (young generation) to be able to find an answer to the questions who we were and are, where we were coming and where and when we must go. Sometimes even a single black-and-white picture can completely change our lives. That can be a spark of thinking for above questions, which is probably the first step.
Our long and glorious history and ancestors, unfortunately didn't (maybe “couldn't”) produce enough written materials to learn and understand them. This kind of materials are really few and nearly all of them were written by other nations not Circassians. Today we know the Circassian history form the view of an American, France, German, British, Russian, .. etc. We really don't know our ancestors own feelings and reasons during the wars and exile. But, Why? The answer is again quite simple “THEY DIDN'T WRITE IT!”.
Today there are not thousands but hundreds of websites on Circassia. Study these websites carefully, you will see that nearly all of their materials are same. The graphic designs are different but the materials are same. I mean there are ten or twenty written materials about Circassian Genocide and nothing more. The number of these materials were are not increasing day by day. Find the original one and download and upload somewhere, nothing more. Today if you want to learn new Circassian generations opinions on any subject, you should find them and ask one by one. Because, although our ancestors had some excuses and we don't have, “WE DON'T WRITE ANYTHING”.
If you say no, then please tell me, “How many poems, stories, songs, articles, books ... etc anything are there on Circassia produced by Circassian new generations. The language is not very important, just say the number. Our children in schools write more than thousands poems, articles, paintings on deforestration, environmental problems, heroes, the importance of reading, health .. etc. But what about the deforestration in Circassian where forest and tree always were the best friends of us and what about our Circassian heroes. Why didn't our children and we write on them?
To sum up, I want to hear songs, read articles, see paintings, touch statues on and about Circassia in all different countries of diaspora and in their own languages. Have you ever heart a song in France telling us the peaceful valleys and mountains of Circassia? Have you ever read an article in Turkish written about the problems of Diaspora by 13 or 14 years old young man? Did you have a chance of seeing an Arabic film on Circassian Genocide? Probably, your answer is mostly “NO” unfortunately. As I have said before, these are all together an evidence of our feelings and thoughts which will be THE BEST GIFT OF US TO THE NEXT CIRCASSIAN GENERATIONS AND US. And THE FUTURE OF A NATION CAN NOT BE ENTRUSTED TO WEAK HUMAN MEMORIES.
August 11, 2009
UNITY is more important than INDEPENDENCE
Long Circassian History is generally a story of self-victories. We have more heroes than any other known nations. You can see this clear known fact in nearly all historian books -mainly European and Ottoman, and even in Russian history books. To able to hear good words from your main enemy is a great honur which all deserve but only some get.
In our community, the wish of "individual freedom" - in other words "self resistance to obedience" seen in every life of a Circassian people. They mainly think on existing social rules (sometimes even laws), and mostly critisize them bravely if needed. They try to create different sometimes marginal unknown and not-discussed-yet solutions to known problems. And they express their suggestion of solution to their community clearly and immediately. Because of that we have lots of politicians, soldiers, poets, writers, historians like other nations, but ours are always very famous and play and played very important roles in the country they are in. For example, in this country the ex-president and one of the ex-Chief of General Staff and Prime Minister are belong to different Circassian families.
There are probaly two reasons causes this success; the loyalty to their country and the wish of individual freedom. The more high-ranked you are, the less orders you get. And they do and did this. This feeling is so powerful that the motivation of reaching the top makes them dedicated to their work with an unbelievable self-discipline, and harworking personalities and give them the power of struggling difficulties. These are all great.
Only another Circassian who has the similiar qualities of personality - generally most of the Circassians have - can be a real rival to a Circassian man, which is generally the beginning of a struggle between rivals. This always causes the great amount of energy, money and time. It doesn't matter who is right or not, or who is the winner or not, always the loser is the Circassian community.
Tribes also have and shove similiar characteristics. But this time the struggle is not between two people or groups, but between tribes. So, the result is more destructive for us. You can read such kind of stories in all Circassian history. This made them weaker against the foreign attacks in the past and at last they exiled and live in different parts of the world with a passion of coming back homeland one day.
As a result, the blody fightings and even wars between brother tribes are waiting impatiently as happened lots of times in the past if we couldn't find urgently a -firstly- peaceful and then more peaceful way(s) to discuss our problems and opinions and establish a cooperation - based on mutual-respect- aiming the UNITY of Circassia. Only then we can live again one more time in our green Circassian mountains in safe - which -I believe- will happen in the near future.
Nobody can reach the high top of the mountain of INDEPENDENCE by himself/herself, "we", "not I" can achieve it by ourselves - TOGETHER. The UNITY of Circassia will -naturally- cause the INDEPENDENCE of Circassia.
With the best wishes for the UNITY of Circassia,
August 7, 2009
Where is the Ubykh STAR?
There are some flags on websites. One of them was the Flag of the Republic which lasted two years, and which is known as the only recognized union during long history of Circassia. And in this flag, there are seven stars which are said to be represent seven main tribes living in Circassia. And this flag is offered as the flag of unity and independence in Circassia. But, what happened to the other stars? For example, where is the star which represents the Ubykh people and tribe?
I think my ancestors and their grandsons and grandaughters have a right to see a shining star of Ubykh people in this flag. They fought, wounded and nearly half of them died. They were even the leader during the big war for a short time. Just for this reason the biggest anger of the enemies were upon them. They were so brave, and stubborn that they are said to be the last tribe who surrendered to Russians.
To be forgotton is really a bad feeling but to be forgetton by your neighbours and their new generation is really awful. So, please don't forget the real owners of Soçi and their new generation. Don't forget our famous Ubykh leaders' names, because they didn't die to be forgotton.
August 6, 2009
To be a Nation is declared to be the "only" solution of all Circassian problems by different ogranizations and politicians these days. And it is getting a growing support by Circassian people, especially by young ones. It is offered as a shining star in cloudy dark blue Circassian sky. And videos and articles (whose main motto is "A NATION") are uploading to the different popular Circassian based websites. Everything on this motto seems to be logical and necessary. And some Europen (even some Russian) writers, politicians and journalists are also suporting this idea. But, they are ignoring one fact, the Circassian people and Circassia.
What I mean is without having enough knowledge on Circassian history, Diaspora, their culture.. etc. this idea can be offered and thought to be "only" solution which will certainly fail to materialize. If our ancestors had been volunteer to forget their language and culture to be a nation, they would have been a part of Russia and they wouldn't have fought against the Russians and not been forced to move and in this way they could have been a nation, a Russian nation. But, they didn't choose this way, and they fought to death to save their language, culture, traditions, the most important one for their honour.
To be a nation means, one language will annihilate the orher ones. I mean a (single) Circassian language will annihilate the other Circassian languages. Also with their annihilateed languges, their culture and tradition will be forgetten. And as probably nobody would be eager to lose their language, they would be forced to obey. So groups or nations would struggle not to be annihilated. And as a result, the blood of Circassians and their struggle would spread through all the Circassian mountains and valleys. The ones in power would explain this to be unavoidable results on the way of being a Nation. If you really think these are true, then let the Russians do. They are trying to do the same thing, with the same motto and in the same way for at least to ages.
None of the tribes in Circassia will accept to lose their differences. These differences are our power. These differences are our history and these differences are Circassia.
So here is the solution. A "Unity" of Independent Circassia, where every tribe can live and show differences in peace, which was tried to be taken and which has not been achieved by Russians up to now. The words "UNITY" and "A (SINGLE)" must be discussed by the Circassians not by the other nations. This is our future so "we", "not the others" must decide this future, and the road map for the unity of Circassians. As an Ubykh people living in diaspora and wish to live in Circassia oneday I will - I promise- never let my culture and traditions, my ancestors names and everything related with Ubykh people to be sacrificed by the name of anything. And all the ideas and suggestions without the Ubykh people will be -naturally- failed.
August 4, 2009
The same thing happened again, again and again. It begins turning to be a habit. During the hot summer nights, to be able to sleep is just a dream which only comes true in the little coolness of the dawn. After a tiring work, it is time to sleep, but impossible.
So last night again, nearly at 3 o'clock a.m. I gave up the idea of sleeping peacefuly for a few hours, and I began to surf the internet. And in my favourite websites, there was a new video on Circassian War and Genocide. I have seen lots of times similiar videos but this time not the video but "I" was really different. Sometimes I was in an anger, sometimes I was happy in victories but at last the sceneries and photographs of exile began to appear through the end of video. Then there was just only a feeling; a great and different varieties of sadness.
I was not in the war, I didn't lose anybody in that war, my brothers, mother and father or grandfather, none of them were dead in that war. That war didn't happen in my town or city where I live now. I didn't hear the crying voices of little children or their mothers. There wasn't blood on my arms. I wasn't wounded or dead. I even can't speak their language. And it didn't happen yesterday, or last week or year. But, although these are facts, there is also another fact which is the deep feeling of sadness I have. So I realized that I was not only watching the video but also I was living in it. The great sadness can not be described.
But these were the feelings I felt while just watching a video which lasts approximately 15 minutes. What about our ancestors who really lived in these wars, who really saw the lost of their relatives, friends, houses, towns, country .. and everything they had had during long years. Can their anger and sadness and that big misery be described with any words in any language?
And is it possible to be able watch such kind of videos without tears?
Which one shows the weakness of my soul as a Circassian; having tears on your eyes while watching a video or maybe sometimes listening an old songs or not?
With my best wishes and in great sadness,
Is "TRADE" still a "SHAME"?
In old documents and traditions, it is stated that "Trading is thought to be a shame and none of the tribes in Circassia trade". One of the big and main problems of Circassian Future is the need of "MONEY". Only a few of us are really successful on Business. We are good soldiers - a fact proved during our bloody his of us and also proved by the successful high rank soldiers in Diaspora, but also we are really bad traders. I think as we have no interest in trade and as a result of this as we haven't got a trade tradition and history, only a few us tried and are trying this sector and most of their efforts unfortunately ended with failure.
But this is a contradiction these days. We have a high potential. Why? Because, as our people dispersaled and as our people live nearly in every vital parts of the world, if our people, traders, can communicate well with each other, they can establish a very very powerful trading community. Even in trade, Circassian people are really trustworthy, which means that as a Circassian people you can find easily reliable partners in different cities, countries and even in different continents.
As a humanbeing we need clothes, houses, computers, sometimes somewhere to go on holiday .. etc. Then why don't we choose our Circassian Traders products? Why don't we support our traders? Rich traders will make their families rich and powerful, these rich families will make their community rich and strong. And you see, that community is Circassian Community.
"Money" is and was always important during the history for all nations. But for us, it has vital importance these days when people want to go back homeland and which needs huge amounts of money for each person.
August 2, 2009
During the long and bloody history of Circassia, many families, tribes forced to immigrate or exiled to the different parts of the world.
Today most of them live in Turkey. But also they live in Jordan, Israel, U.S.A., Canada, England, France, Spain, Holland .... etc. You can find lots of websites on or by Circassian People. Although you can't understand some languages - as really different foreign languages are spoken, mainly Turkisk, Russian, Arabic, English, French ..etc - Pictures, songs, maps and of course the flags with 12 stars on show us there there are Circassian people there and try to do something for Circassia.
But, none of them has a global power. So if you are an English speaker and want to find your friends or cousins in Circassia generally this is impossible. And if you live in Circassia and you want find your friends, cousins, again this is impossible for you to find something in English websites.
So as a result we need good historians, linguistics, politicians, a powerful leader .. But the most important one we need is good translators, who will be a bridge between these families living in different parts of the world and wanting to cooperate and communicate with each other in impatience.
It can be a bit funny, or too simple but it is true. The United Circassia will be established by not warriors, businessman, politicians, outers .. etc but by translators.
Kenugi James
August 1, 2009
The Circassian History is certainly a rich one which goes beyond to the beginning of the world. In this respect, there are a lot of documents on this history with the view of Europe and America. Especially after 1990s, there is an increasing interest on this subject. The number of articles, and the numbe rof people who are more interested in this subject are inreasing day by day. The Circassian Diaspora and motherland people are naturally giving a response to this interest. Today when you search the word "Kafkasya ("Circassia" in Turkish)" in the google search engine, you get 1.050.000 results (I tested a few minutes ago). And this search is done in Turkish. If you write "Circassia" you get 82.400 results. And I am sure when you search in other languages, you will probably get huge numbers like this.
From the other side, the circassian languages are really a great treasure. If you search "Kafkasya dil ("Circassia language" in Turkish) you get 343.000 results. If you search "Circassia language", the result is 65.300. I couldn't find time to search in different languages.
The searches above doesn't include all the words related with Circassia, like Circassian, The Mountains of Circassia, The Circassian Geography ... etc. Even the result of "Circassian Dog (which the Georgians are trying to claim to be the owner of these days and which is tought to be the second biggest dog in the world)" has more than 112.000.
The results and the numbers above just show the numbers of the e-materials transferred into web. I haven't even mentioned that there are also lots of books, maps and letters and any documents in libraries and archieves.
And these are the information resources need to be researched and read and learnt. And then we must compile and produce new materials, articles a book (may be). Maybe this producement can even be a painting, a song, sculpture .. etc.
As a result there are lot of subjects and resources need to be seen, and we have a limited life time which is a necessity of a fleeting humanbeing. Beyond slogans, a friendly chat and sentiency if we want to do something we must establish a well-organized civil RESEARCH, LEARN and TEACH group or groups. It is nearly impossible for a single man to learn deeply and in detail the Geography, History, Painting, Language, Linguistics, Computer, Graphics, Literature ...etc. We, the new Circassian Generation are trying to do this which causes the creation of impossible goals to be reach and which breaks our motivation of study and learn.
So here is the Suggestion;
1-To create RESEARCH teams.
2-To create PUBLISHER teams
3-To create ASSESTMENT teams.
4-To create COMMUNICATION teams to find and gather all the Oubykh people in the world.
The Last Ubykh
There are still a lot of Ubykh (Oubykh, Ubıh) on the earth. They are still breathing. They are sleeping now. But, they are about to wake up. Some of them alrady waken up and they are waking up the others. In this blog you will learn the Ubykh history, their language, their culture, and of course the war and genocide. They have never forgotten their ancestors and their stories. They are on the earth from the beginning and they will be here till the end. And one day they will again live in their homeland in freedom.